
December 2, 2022

It was with broken hearts that we had to say goodbye to our sweet Howie (or as we liked to refer to him as the "Pigman" or the “H-man”) on December 2, 2022, at the age of 17 years.  He crossed over to the rainbow bridge at home surrounded by his family who loved him fiercely and our hearts have a giant hole in them right now.  

From your quirky howling when you thought you were home alone, to grabbing the toilet paper roll and running through the house, our lives were so much better because you were in them.   Everyone who met you loved you from that moment on.

One of the things that Howie loved eating was homemade pancakes and shredded cheese!  We will think of you every time we're having those things and smile through our tears.

Howie, thank you for choosing us to be your family for the past 17 years.  If we would have had our way, we would have kept you for another 17, but it was time for you to lay your head down one last time and rest your weary body.   We will love you and miss you forever and a part of our hearts will always be a bit broken.💔




Mr. T